Pilates Strings for string teachers in ESTA Norway

January 2021

Pilates Strings session for strings teachers in ESTA (European Strings Teachers Association) Norway was a wonderful experience to do. I was lucky to have a sunny wintery day in Helsinki to my day of making the Pilates Strings video to ESTA Norway string colleagues.

Feedback by Email from Oslo

”..I think this will be very well received in times like this when many (strings teachers) have to work from home. A good opportunity to take care of themselves and stay healthy!”

Thank You ESTA Norway!

Let’s stay tuned!

You will find a short clip from the session in my webpages heidi.fi/pilates YouTube videos by Pilates Strings section! Check that out!



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More questions by Email pilatesstrings(at)gmail.com

Liike on lääke!
Keep on moving!

Pilates Strings
Keep yourself in a good Balance!